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In Book No. 12, folio 358 (of decedents’ estates, Baltimore, Md., records), there is an inventory of the estate of ROBERT STROWBRIDGE, footing up £107, 12, 6. Among the items which are set forth in great detail are ” Sundry books of Sundry Kinds,” and “1 tea cittle.” ELIZABETH STROWBRIDGE was appointed administratrix, with John Long and Thomas Dew as bondsmen. Right here the record stops and no sale or other proceedings are mentioned. The administration was granted May 22, 1782.

In Land Record (Baltimore) Liber, W. G, No. 52, folio 238, is a lease from George Brown, physician, to THEOPHILUS STROWBRIDGE, of a lot on the north-east side of Green street, on the west side of Jones’ Falls in Baltimore City. The yearly ground rent is $30, gold, and the term of the lease 99 years, dated May 1, 1794.

In Liber, W.G, No. 52, folio 244, there is an assignment of the foregoing lease, by THEOPHILUS STROWBRIDGE, merchant, to GEORGE STROWBRIDGE; consideration, £175 ; date, June 3, 1797.

In Admn. Accts. (Baltimore), No. 4, folio 221, is mentioned the granting of letters of administration on the estates of THEOPHILUS STROWBRIDGE and ABEGAL STROWBRIDGE, both on the same day, viz: Jan. 27, 1808, to JESSE STROWBRIDGE, with GEORGE STROWBRIDGE and Thomas Crawford as bondsmen. No inventory returned as to Theophilus. Abegal’s amounted to $138.35. Whether Theophilus Strowbridge, and George and Abegal Strowbridge were of the family of Rev. Robert, call not be determined, but presumably they were.

“A beautiful memorial church has been erected to his memory in Baltimore, and an interesting tablet placed in the church by the Local Preachers’ Association, to his memory.”—(Letter of Rev. John F. Goucher of Baltimore, who, as pastor, superintended the erection of the church, to the author.)