This letter was written by Thomas Gilpin to his cousin Jane Strawbridge Ledyard at Cazenovia, New York.
Philadelphia 27 Nov. 1852
Jane Ledyard
My dear Cousin!
I intended to write thee again since the receipt of thy note of the 5. inst. on the completion of the diagram of our branch of the Gilpin family – but this owing to delay for information has not been accomplished till a short time since and now just returned me by the engraver.
I have therefore made up a note, to go in company with this by the mail – and have put with it another, more perfect impression of the English descent – a view of the original Family Manison of Kentmere ancient and new – and a likeness I have just had engraved of Bernard Gilpin – these I venture to ask may be kindly regarded and preserved, as the venerated Sampler of the name-sake the amiable Jane Parker.
-The View of Kentmere is taken from a drawing, made at its date by Ann Maury, who permits me to put her name to it and the likeness of Bernard Gilpin from the best print I could obtain-and it is so handsome, it must be a true one as it is a general resemblance to so many Members of the Family.
After the receipt of the letter I waited on Mrs. Kent from whom I had a note induced by the request to give me an account of Mrs. Borden’s family, and her own – all of which are duly added in place – but my delay has been caused by my not receiving sooner from our Cousin Mary Gilpin of Elkton Md. the particulars respecting her Brother Dtc. [doctor?] John Gilpin’s family of Kittaning.
I cannot now rely upon completing all my papers, by New Year’s ay – owing also to my not being so personally able to confirm all my anticipations – I took the liberty to mention it in a former letter – because as Ladies are active correspondents I thought in these telegraphic days I might be called on to account for information from abroad which could not be obtained at home.
I omitted by inattention to reply to thy enquiry respecting my brother’s family – its residence is here – Mary Gilpin my Sister – his widow lives near me – and she is near my age, in good health – Sarah her eldest daughter who knows thee lives with her as does also Mary and Richard a Gilpin – Elizabeth (Maury) lives with her family Matthew Maury and her two children in New York – Henry D. Gilpin and his wife live here, but have returned not long since from a summer tour from every where westward – Kentucky, Ohio, New York – Canada & – and William the youngest who has from his early life, been fondly devoted to “the tented field” – has, after various military arrangement up and down the Mississippi and in a Florida campain with a land tour in 1841 to the Pacific – and in Donaphan’s Long March – settled I hope at rest at Independence Mo. – a Farmer – and a Lawyer – his March thro’ Life has been wholly of his own selecting – attended with perseverance – prudence – and discretion.
Respectfully – thy affectionate Cousin
-Thomas Gilpin
A note written on the back of my copy of this letter (which may have been written on the original), says:
Mr. Gilpin completed his task to distributed [sic] his genealogical diagram about Christmas – and died March 3d 1853 – in the 77th year of his age (b. 10 Sept. 1776).