
The links below lead to the text of documents or bits of information I have gathered in my family history research. They are listed alphabetically according to the surname of the author of the document or the subject of the information:

Account of a Passage to China by Sea, 1807
Descendants of Josiah White and Sarah Newby, The (book of White family history by Lori Higley White)
Doughten Family Ancestry
Genealogical Data and Correspondence Relating to Articles in North American Newspaper in Early 1900s on Strawbridges and Others
Gilpin Family Ancestry
Gilpin, Thomas, Two Letters to Jane Strawbridge Ledyard, October 1852
Gilpin, Thomas, Letter to Jane Strawbridge Ledyard, November 27, 1852
Hooton, Elizabeth
Knight, Mary Lowber Sailer (White), Recollections of “The Wilderness” Family Home
Ledyard, Alice P., Letter to Alexander Strawbridge White, 1994
Ledyard, George Strawbridge, Letter to Hon. D.E. Littlejohn re Civil War Prisoner, February 9, 1865
Ledyard, George S., Letter to Sarah Strawbridge, 1865
Ledyard, Jane Strawbridge, Letter to Her Daughter, April 6, 1852
Ledyard, Jane Strawbridge, Letter to Her Brother John Strawbridge, 1854
Ledyard, John Denise, Letter to John Paine, April 15, 1848
Lincklaen, Helen, Letter to Jane Strawbridge, 1819
Mad William’s Diary (book of articles and images by William W. White, Jr.)
Maffit Family Connection to Salona
Maris Family in the United States (book by George and Annie Maris, with Maris family history, 1683-1885)
Morse, Samuel F. B., Letter to Jonathan Denise Ledyard, October 11, 1827
New Gentleman of the Road, The (book by Herbert Welsh)
Sailer Family Roots in New Jersey
Sailer, John, Letter to His Son, Joseph, 1900
Smith, J. Somers Jr., Letter to his Mother in England, Dec. 1877
Smith, J. Somers Jr., Three Letters to his Mother in England, Jan. 1878
Smith, J. Somers Jr., Letter to his Father from New Jersey, Aug. 5, 1888
Smith, J. Somers Jr., Two Letters to his Mother from Rhode Island, Possibly 1888
Sparks Ancestry
Strawbridge Family History from Long Newspaper Article, March 10, 1912
Strawbridge Family Records, 1910 (link to microfilmed 199-page set of family history records)
Strawbridge, George, Account of a Steamboat Disaster in 1838
Strawbridge, George (of New Orleans), Letter to His Son, 1858
Strawbridge, Hannah, Letter to Her Daughter Jane, May 25, 1809
Strawbridge, Henry Hepburn, Letter to George Strawbridge Ledyard, December 1860
Strawbridge, James, Confederate Colonel – Information About
Strawbridge, John, Autobiography, Short Version
Strawbridge, John, Autobiography, Complete Version
Strawbridge, John, Letter to His Mother, 1801
Strawbridge, Joseph, Letter to His Mother from China, 1802
Strawbridge, Stockton, Letter to Jane Strawbridge Ledyard, January 21, 1855
Strawbridge, Stockton, Letter to George S. Ledyard, October 31, 1855
Strobridge/Morison/Strawbridge Genealogy Book Excerpts
Strobridge/Morison/Strawbridge Genealogy Book Excerpts as Single PDF
Strobridge/Morison/Strawbridge Genealogy Book – Complete Book PDF
Van Sise Family Ancestry
Washington, George – Connection to Strawbridge Family
Welsh Family Reunion in Philadelphia, October 17, 1936
Welsh, Alice, Letter to Her Sister, Anna Maria Welsh, from Bristol, June 4, 1870
Welsh, Alice, Letter to Her Sister, Anna Maria Welsh, from Leamington, July 9, 1870
Welsh, Alice, Letter to Her Sister, Anna Maria Welsh, from Florence, Nov. 13 1870
Welsh, Alice, Letter to Her Sister, Anna Maria Welsh, from Naples, Dec. 21, 1870
Welsh, Alice, Letter to Her Sister, Anna Maria Welsh Smith, from Naples, Jan. 4, 1871
Welsh, Alice, Letter to Her Sister, Anna Maria Welsh, from Cairo, Feb. 18, 1871
Welsh, Alice, Letter to Her Sister, Anna Maria Welsh, from Constantinople, May 6, 1871
Welsh, Alice, Letter to Her Sister, Anna Maria Welsh, from Berlin, June 4, 1871
Welsh, Edward, Letter to His Sister, Anna Maria Welsh, from Charleston, Nov. 29, 1858
Welsh, Edward, Letter to His Sister, Anna Maria Welsh, from Savannah, Dec. 17, 1858
Welsh, Edward, Letter to His Sister, Anna Maria Welsh, from Havana, Dec. 22, 1858
Welsh, Ellen, Letter to Her Sister, Anna Maria Welsh, from Hamburg, June 11, 1871
Welsh, Ellen, Letter to Her Sister, Anna Maria Welsh, from Berlin, June 1, 1871
Welsh, Herbert, Letter Written Nov. 16, 1862 to his Half-Sister, Anna Maria Welsh
Welsh, Herbert, Letter Written Nov. 21, 1862 to his Half-Sister, Anna Maria Welsh
Welsh, Herbert, Letter Written in 1863 to his Half-Sister, Anna Maria Welsh
Welsh, Herbert, Letter Written in 1867 to his Half-Sister, Anna Maria Welsh Smith
Welsh, Herbert, Letter Written in 1872 to his Half-Sister, Anna Maria Welsh Smith
Welsh, Herbert, Letter Written in 1934 with Introduction and Some Notes
Welsh, John, Letter to His Daughter Alice, 1879
Welsh, Samuel, Letters to His Sister, 1859
West Family Records Book (1911 book with family history of West, Parsons, Cooper, Hillborn, Vansise or Van Sise, and others)
White Marsh Valley Hunt