Letter from Edward Welsh to His Sister, Anna Maria Welsh, from Savannah, Dec. 17, 1858

Savannah Dec. 17, 1858

My dear sister

I am this far on my way to Charleston to meet Mr. Strong, having had several adventures on the way. I left St. Augustine on Tuesday morning at 10 in the stage, at 2 arrived at Piccolata expecting to meet the boat at about 5 o.c. My dinner I brought with me thanks to Mr. Miller and consumed it under the trees. There is a man there who kept a sort of hotel but his wife & sister in law are so filthy, & the food, miserable in itself, is so dirty that few will eat there. Well, I did without tea & slept in this man’s house & to do him justice the bedding was pretty decent.

Next morning I went to his breakfast, drank a cup of miserable coffee but couldn’t eat much, yet no boat that day. I dined in the woods with some ladies whose acquaintance I made, our meal consisting of some very nice sweet potatoes which they had bought & cookies. Well the boat came at last at 3 o.c. Thursday morning & tho I had fine appetite at all meals on board I am hungry yet.

Tonight I start by rail road for Charleston, where I ought to arrive some time tomorrow, when I don’t know. I could not see Aunt Susan nor get to Charleston in good time because of the boats. I sent my gun home by Express not wishing to take it to Cuba. It is paid for as the rect will show. But I must close with much love to all. I am my dear sister yr affect bro E. Welsh.