Stobridge/Morison/Strawbridge Genealogy Book Excerpts

The table below provides a list of pages included in this site from an excellent book by Mrs. Mary Stiles (Paul) Guild, published in 1891, on the genealogy of the families listed above. This book is in the public domain, and I believe it will be helpful to those researching the Strawbridge surname to have some pertinent pages of the book available here for reference. I am not (as of now) including the many pages on the first three surnames; I started with page 231, where the author begins discussing the Strawbridge genealogy, and I included all following pages through 280, the last page in the book. If visitors to this site would like to see more pages of the book included here, please let me know via e-mail and I will include them as time permits. Please note that I did not attempt to preserve all of the typography and exact appearance of the pages from the book, but I have tried to be careful to reproduce the contents accurately. If you want me to check an item in the actual book, let me know and I will do so.

Alexander White

 Title Page


 Page 231

Section I on Strawbridges, discussing Joseph Strawbridge of Westwood, Maryland.

 Page 232

Beginning of Section II, discussing Rev. Thomas Strawbridge of Carndonagh, Co. Donegal, Ireland, 1714-1762.

 Page 233

Continuation of above discussion.

 Page 234

Second and third generations of Rev. Thomas Strawbridge.

 Page 235

Remainder of third generation and beginning of fourth generation.

 Page 236

Remainder of fourth generation and beginning of fifth generation.

 Page 237

Remainder of fifth generation.

 Page 238

Beginning of Section III, discussing the Chester County, Pennsylvania, branch of the Strawbridges.

 Page 239

Continuation of Section III.

 Page 240

Will of Christiana Strawbridge, daughter of James.

 Page 241

Information about Thomas Strawbridge and his wife, Margaret Montgomery, who aided soldiers in the Revolution.

 Page 242

Will of Margaret Strawbridge, probated May 10, 1842.

 Page 243

Will of James Strawbridge, dated Feb. 23, 1818.

 Page 244

Completion of above will; beginning of third generation.

 Page 245

Continuation of third generation.

Page 246 

End of third generation; beginning of fourth generation.

Page 247 

Continuation of fourth generation.

 Page 248

End of fourth generation; beginning of fifth generation.

 Page 249

End of fifth generation and end of chapter.

 Page 250

Beginning of Section IV, discussing Strowbridges/Strawbridges of Northumberland Co., PA.

 Page 251

Continuation of Section IV, through beginning of second generation.

 Page 252

Continuation of second generation.

 Page 253

Continuation of second generation.

Page 254 

End of second generation;beginning of third generation

Page 255

Continuation of life story of Joseph Alfred Strowbridge, born 1835.

Page 256 

Further continuation of life story of Joseph Alfred Strowbridge.

 Page 257

More of the life story of Joseph Alfred Strowbridge.

 Page 258

Completion of life story of Joseph Alfred Strowbridge; list of his children and children of others.

 Page 259

Completion of third generation.

 Page 260

Fourth generation.


Addenda — material about above sections received after book was in print.


Second page of Addenda, with information on Homer Strawbridge Mouser and Isaac Jacob Mouser.

 Page 261

Beginning of Section V, providing details about the life of early Methodist preacher Robert Strawbridge of Maryland.

 Page 262

Completion of Section V, with more information about Methodist preacher Robert Strawbridge.

 Page 263

Single-page Section VI with brief information about John Strawbridge of Philadelphia, b. ca. 1749, d. 1793.

 Page 264

Beginning of Section VII, covering the York County, Pennsylvania, branch, starting with Joseph Strawbridge.

 Page 265

Continuation of second generation of York County, Pennsylvania, branch.

 Page 266

Completion of second generation.

 Page 267

Beginning of third generation, starting with Benjamin Strawbridge of Hopewell Township, Pa., 1802-1852.

 Page 268

Continuation of third generation.

 Page 269

Continuation of third generation.

Page 270 

Continuation of third generation, with mention of Charles Gilpin Stidham, born Dec. 24, 1857.

Page 271

Continuation of third generation.

Page 272

Completion of third generation.

Page 273 

Beginning of fourth generation.

Page 274 

Continuation of fourth generation.

Page 275 

Continuation of fourth generation.

Page 276

Continuation of fourth generation.

Page 277 

Continuation of fourth generation.

Page 278 

Continuation of fourth generation.

Page 279 

Completion of fourth generation; entire fifth generation. 

Page 280 

Section VIII, on George Strawbridge, M.D., of Philadelphia; Section IX, Miscellaneous Strawbridge notes.