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GEORGE STRAWBRIDGE, M. D., was b. Oct. 18, 1844 in Pennsylvania; m. ALICE WELSH, June 5, 1873; res. (1891) in Germantown, Pa.; place of business, 1500 Walnut st., Philadelphia. Doctor Strawbridge has a wide reputation as an oculist; and it is said has written a work on the eyes which is a standard authority on that subject.


i. JOHN, b. May 7, 1874.

ii. MARY LOWBER b. July 4, 1875.
iii. WELSH, b. June 24, 1878.

iv. ANNIE WEST, b. Mch. 20, 1883.

The above record was contributed by Doctor Strawbridge himself.



“BENIAMINE STRAWBRIDGE and HANAH acly were joyned in marriage July ye 9th, 1705.” (East Haddam, Conn., Records.)

“Farmer’s M. S. notes that two of the name (Trowbridge), had been graduates at Harvard, two at Yale, but very curious is the fact that records of town and ch at Haddam, where one branch of the surname spread, give it Strawbridge.” (Savage’s Gen. Dict.)

[In answer to inquiries, the present (1891) town clerk of East Haddam reports that the above item is all that the records contain about persons named Strawbridge.—M. S. P. G.]

“WM. STRAWBRIDGE, Baptist minister, b. 1757, d. at Lower Providence, Pa., aged 73.” (Allen’s Am. Biog. Dict.)

“Alexr. McLean and JEAN STRAWBRIDGE m. Sept. 3, 1763.” (Marriage Records, St. Paul’s Church, Philadelphia, Pa.)