Family Group in Camden, Maine, August 1980

Family Gathering, Camden, Maine, 1980

This photograph was taken in August 1980 at Camden, Maine, probably either at my mother’s house on the beach or at a house on Lake Megunticook. It shows a large group of relatives, most of whom I can readily identify, though some I am not complete sure of. I was not there myself, though I did spend many summers there.

Here are the names of those in the photo, as far as I can make them out. I am considering them to be in three rows, with one young boy occupying the middle row by himself.

Back row: Mary Lowber Knight, John Wilson, Henry White, Molly Wilson, Alice Lingelbach, William Lingelbach, R. Barclay Knight, Christopher Sailer, Pamela Sailer, Robin White, Priscilla Kelley, Sarah Wilson.

Middle row: John Sailer.

Front row: Christina Sailer, Christopher Sailer, Samuel Sailer, John Sailer.