This photograph was taken in August 1980 at Camden, Maine, probably either at my mother’s house on the beach or at a house on Lake Megunticook. It shows a large group of relatives, most of whom I can readily identify, though some I am not complete sure of. I was not there myself, though I did spend many summers there.
Here are the names of those in the photo, as far as I can make them out. I am considering them to be in three rows, with one young boy occupying the middle row by himself.
Back row: Mary Lowber Knight, John Wilson, Henry White, Molly Wilson, Alice Lingelbach, William Lingelbach, R. Barclay Knight, Christopher Sailer, Pamela Sailer, Robin White, Priscilla Kelley, Sarah Wilson.
Middle row: John Sailer.
Front row: Christina Sailer, Christopher Sailer, Samuel Sailer, John Sailer.